Terms of Service

Infy Care

OyaHealth Emergency Access Policy


OyaHealth understands that there may be critical situations where immediate access to patient data is essential for providing timely and life-saving healthcare services. This Emergency Access Policy is designed to outline the conditions and procedures under which emergency access to patient data is granted to authorized healthcare entities, including hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centers.

Conditions for Emergency Access:

Emergency access is granted under the following circumstances:

1. Critical Medical Situations: Access is permitted when there is an urgent need for patient information to address critical medical situations, ensuring the timely delivery of healthcare services.

2. Patient's Regular Health Center Unavailable: In situations where the patient's regular health center is inaccessible or unavailable, authorized healthcare entities may request emergency access to the patient's data.

Procedure for Emergency Access:

To request emergency access to patient data, authorized healthcare entities must:

1. Initiate a Request: Submit a formal request specifying the reason for emergency access and providing details about the critical situation.

2. Verification Process: OyaHealth will conduct a verification process to ensure that the request is legitimate and aligns with the defined conditions for emergency access.

3. Temporary Access Grant: Upon successful verification, temporary access will be granted to the authorized healthcare entity for the specific patient data required to address the emergency situation.

4. Monitoring and Auditing: All instances of emergency access will be closely monitored and audited to maintain the security and integrity of patient data.

User Agreement:

By selecting the checkbox to acknowledge and agree to this Emergency Access Policy, authorized healthcare entities commit to the following:

1. Adherence to Policy: To adhere strictly to the conditions outlined in this policy when requesting emergency access to patient data.

2. Data Security: To ensure the secure handling of patient information during and after the emergency access period.

3. Notification: To promptly notify OyaHealth of the resolution of the emergency situation and any additional actions taken with the patient's data.


OyaHealth is committed to supporting healthcare providers in delivering optimal and timely care to patients, especially in emergency situations. This Emergency Access Policy aims to strike a balance between the critical need for immediate information and maintaining the utmost security and confidentiality of patient data.

Please check the acknowledgment box to confirm your understanding and agreement with the OyaHealth Emergency Access Policy.